I made a set of 12 baby sensory bottles for 9 month old Katie. The bottles came from a set of 12 little bottles of shampoo, the sort you would get in a hotel room.

Each bottle is supposed to have an interesting and different look, weight, smell or sound.

Practically, I just used up all the bottles, washed and dried them. I especially had to dry the one that contain powder so the powder didn’t clump. After filling them I put epoxy resin glue into the inside of the thread, so that the lids are permanently closed. I chose Gorilla epoxy glue because it’s non-toxic once set. I don’t expect the glue ever to be exposed but I wanted to make sure it wouldn’t give off any bad smells or be toxic if I somehow comes loose.

Cleaning picture

Side view

Here are the bottles I chose to make:

  • Cotton wool - Almost weightless.
  • Oil and vinegar - Shake to mix then separates back into dark and light liquids.
  • Pasta shapes - Makes a nice sound.
  • Polystyrene balls - Very light but makes a sound when shaked.
  • Sticks - Make a sound and are pleasing to shake.
  • Bells - Are colourful and make a sound.
  • Cloves and cinnamon - Made a tiny hole in the bottle to let the smell out.
  • Balls - Balls that move around and settle to the bottom, but don’t make a sound.
  • Tiny ladybird toys - Look interesting and make a sound.
  • Soy sauce - Liquid covers the inside of the bottle when shaked.
  • Sugar - Fine powder is fun to shake.
  • Water with red food colouring - Is heavy and behaves like water.

I spent a few months making the list, adding interesting things as I thought of them. Some of the items are not easy to get a hold of so I added links where to buy them. Nothing cost more than a pound to make, so it’s a really good value gift for a baby and is very satisfying to make.

Here’s a big picture for people who want a close up.

Cleaning picture